Kenneth Pugh
He is a Senator of the Republic of Chile from March 2018 until March 2026 for the Valparaíso Region; the region that gives "the width to Chile," from Rapa Nui Easter Island to the Andes.
He was the promoter of the law for Cybersecurity Month in October and of the motion for the protection of national critical infrastructure. He is working on the final processing of the new law for the protection of personal data and the new law for computer crimes. He is preparing the new framework law on Cybersecurity and the implementation of the new law on Digital Transformation of the State, which aims to transform Chile into a Digital Republic in 5 years.
He served in the Chilean Navy for 35 years. He is an Electronic Naval Engineer, specialized in digital systems, command and control, electronic intelligence, electronic warfare, and cyber operations. He has the academic degree of Master in Naval and Maritime Sciences with a mention in Strategy.