Helga Hernández
Helga is an Economist from the National University of Colombia, with a Masters Degree in Analysis of Political, Economic and International Problems from the Externado University of Colombia. She is a Fellow of the Asia Global Institute of the University of Hong Kong.
Before her appointment as Director of Appropriation of ICT, she served as Vice President of Planning and Projects of the National Tourism Fund-FONTUR. She has more than 12 years of experience in planning, structuring and implementation of projects and public policies in entities such as the Ministry of National Education, Colciencias, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, the National Planning Department, the Presidency of the Republic, and the Ministry of National Defense, among others.
One of the main commitments of the Director of Appropriation of ICT is to strengthen actions to promote the responsible use of ICT and the development of skills in digital environments for all Colombians, especially for children, adolescents, people with disabilities, the elderly, and women.