María Laura Cuya
Maria holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and an MBA. She was the winner of the Robert Maes Award, an award given to the first place of academic achievement among all graduating students from UPacifico.
She is the CEO and founder of, a fintech start-up and first marketplace in Peru that connects investors and companies, mainly through bills of lading.
She is also the founder of FactoringLab, a company working in collection management of past-due invoices and also involved in factoring.
Maria is the founder of Tresencia (3SNCIA), a company involved in the development of corporate innovation focused on optimizing business models and creating a culture of innovation.
Besides, she is also the founder of Innovalnhouse, a start-up associated with IdeariaLab, Mexico, an innovation agency part of the Pacific Alliance Network. Innovalnhouse develops high-impact training programs for the intra entrepreneurship system, which promotes open-innovation and agile development.
Maria is also a mentor in entrepreneurship and innovation projects such as Lean Start-up Machine, Start-up Academy, City Incubators, ASEP Academy, and Aprenda.