

Career Path: Antonio Ramos is a postgraduate and master studies professor of IT security and hacking at universities such as the UCM (Complutense University of Madrid), UAX (Alfonso X El Sabio University), and URJC, among others. He has published more than 13 books on cyber security and hacking in networks and the internet with publishing houses like Anaya Multimedia and Ra-Ma. He has been aspeaker and teacher in different seminars and workshops on hacking and computer security systems in many conventions and seminars around the world.

Specialized consultant in projects for major accounts and public institutions in Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, South Africa, West Africa, Peru, Colombia and Portugal, among others. Trainer ofthe official selection of Spanish hackers in European championships “European Cyber Security Challenge 2015” with the participation supported and organized by INCIBE (National Institute of Cyber security, Ministry of industry-Spanish Government).

Milestones: Antonio is the content director and host of the TV show Mundo Hacker on Discovery Max and RTVE, Host of the annual congress of specialists in cyber security and professional hackers “Mundo Hacker Day” (

Redes Sociales: @mundohackertv

ANTONIO RAMOS, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Mundo Hacker Day, StackOverflow, Mundo Hacker
ANTONIO RAMOS, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Mundo Hacker Day, StackOverflow, Mundo Hacker
ANTONIO RAMOS, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Mundo Hacker Day, StackOverflow, Mundo Hacker


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