Maria Eugenia Anés


Maria Eugenia AnésMaria Eugenia Anés

Career Path: Maria Eugenia Anésis the cofounder of CoreWoman, an organization working for the economic empowerment of women and gender equity.

Through programs like Self-confidence, Leadership, Negotiation, and Effective Communication,they try to empower women, to develop their skills and abilities, to reach their full potential and to be successful at their Schools, Universities, with their business and positions of leadership.

She has more than 19 years of experience in corporate business, marketing, customer service and sales on the Latin American market, especially in countries like Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Peru as well as Spain.

Her work and passion for advocating gender equity are reflected in her personal experience as a woman working hard to climb in the corporate ladder and negotiating her leadership with men and women. Her commitment with women is showed on her work counseling women who are willing to climb the corporate ladder and those who are willing to develop their skills in order to make their business grow.

Social media: @core_woman

Maria Eugenia Anés, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017,CoreWoman
Maria Eugenia Anés, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017,CoreWoman
Maria Eugenia Anés, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017,CoreWoman


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