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David Marugan


David MaruganDavid Marugan

Career Path: David Marugan is a Radio-Frequency Communications Specialist, with more than 15 years of experience. He has worked as Pen Tester for blue chip companies in security auditing and Ethical Hacking. He has developed hacking radio and communication interception content and applications. He has also taught in many workshops and seminars on Homemade TSCM (Technical Security Counter-Measures) electronic surveillance and counter surveillance. He has contributed to various technical papers and has also taken part in TV Shows where he has talked about these matters.

Milestones: Co-Founder of the International Congress Moscowc0n

Social media: @RadioHacking

David Marugan, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Mundo Hacker Day,
David Marugan, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Mundo Hacker Day,
David Marugan, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Mundo Hacker Day,