Eliana Barrios Ávila


Eliana Barrios ÁvilaEliana Barrios Ávila

Education: Eliana Ávila has a degree in English Studies and became a teacher for kids and teenagers.

Career Path: She is a happy, spontaneous and creative person. She grew up in a family of writers and teachers and that is why she loves to read and write stories. After studying abroad, she came back to live in Medellin, where she works as a university professor and at the same time she is fulfilling her dream of writing books for kids and create activities where kids can learn and develop their imagination. She knows for sure that many children will feel identified with the characters of the stories brought by Child Box every month and would also like to become inventors, scientists, writers, etc; but above all things, they will be motivated to dream and turn their creations into reality.

Eliana Barrios Ávila, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Zona Kids, ChildBox
Eliana Barrios Ávila, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Zona Kids, ChildBox
Kids Zone
Eliana Barrios Ávila, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Zona Kids, ChildBox


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