Enrique Samper Posada


Enrique Samper PosadaEnrique Samper Posada

Career Path: Architect and publicist with over 15 years of expertise in marketing and advertisement in Latin America.

Currently he is the General Manager of ID Interactive, one of the most renowned digital agencies in the country; additionally, he is a speaker and teacher in marketing and advertisement.

He has developed his career in companies such as MullenLoweSSP3, Monsanto, Mass, and Netbangers. He has also developed an enterprise on mobile products development.

He is passionate about digital marketing and helping people understand what is the change of mindset needed in people working with a brand regarding marketing today and achieving results for its business.

“The world has changed; period!”

Milestones: Member of the IAB academic committee.

Social Media: @IDInteractiveLA

Enrique Samper Posada, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Monetización
Enrique Samper Posada, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Monetización
Digital Advertising
Enrique Samper Posada, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Monetización


Logos: MinTic - Vive Digital - Todos por un nuevo País Logotipo de MinTIC


Logo Alcaldía de Bogotá Logotipo del Aliado principal