Andrés Oyuela

Estados Unidos

Andrés OyuelaAndrés Oyuela

Education: In 2006 he began a career in Media Arts, whichallowedhimtopursueaninterest in film and imagecomposition. In 2007 hisfirstdarkroom-developedimagewould be thecatalysttodevotinghimselftocreating and capturingbeautifulimagesthrough a lens.

Milestones:Now at 28 yearsold and based in New York, he wasnamed Colombia’sBestFashionPhotographer byInfashion Magazine Awards after beingnominatedtwoyearsconsecutivelywithstoriespublished in industry-leading magazines and publications, such as Vogue LatinAmerica, GQ LatinAmerica, Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone magazine, Infashion, Variety, and manyothers.

Andrés Oyuela, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Stereotheque
Andrés Oyuela, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Stereotheque
Andrés Oyuela, colombia 4.0 2017, conferencistas 2017, Stereotheque


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